Our church is committed to serving our community, congregation, and world through our various service ministries. We believe that by helping others, we can spread the love and compassion of Christ to those in need. Please take a look below to learn more about our ministries and how you can get involved.
Congregational Care Ministry
Ministry Leader: Walter Holder, Jr.
Mission/Vission Statement: To provide a Ministry that addresses the needs of those who have experienced, are now experiencing, or will experience Grief, Loss, Anxiety and/or Depression. This also includes appropriate referrals for those with other mental health needs.
Meeting Times: Every Thursday from 6:30 - 7:30PM via ZOOM
Contact Phone: (502) 589-0004
Contact Email:
D-Free Ministry
Ministry Leader: Wanda M. Carson
Mission/Vission Statement: The vision of the dFree Ministry is helping others through a Christian-based ministry to be free from financial shackles of debt through a 12-step movement to help you to live a lifestyle with no debt, no delinquencies, and no deficits. This ministry is for any person who desires to achieve financial freedom and wellness as a lifestyle
Meeting Times: Courses are scheduled periodically during the year as needed via Zoom
Contact Phone: 502-636-0523 Ext. 207
Contact Email:
RUSH: Recovery Until Solutions Happen
Ministry Leader: Glenda Newton-White
Mission/Vission Statement: To help those who are suffering from Life Issues. Geared towards 18 & over Adults.
Meeting Times: 2nd Friday of each mo. 6-7:30 pm
Meeting Space: 610 Breckinridge Building
Contact Phone: 502-541-6798
Contact Email:
Sankofa Center Bookstore
Ministry Leader: Eugene McCormick & Jamie Keith
Mission/Vission Statement: The Sankofa Center wants to be the catalyst and inspiration for Bates member's spiritual growth and development. Geared towards primarily for all Bates Members, as well as the community at large.
Open Hours: Saturdays 10:30am-1:30pm, Sundays 9:30am -2:30pm
Location: Main Campus Bookstore
Contact Phone: 502-636-0523 Ext. 207
Contact Email:
Bates Health Ministry
Ministry Leader: Marita Crane
Mission/Vission Statement: Our vision is to focus on the spiritual, psycho-social and physical dimensions of health to promote wellness and to enhance the quality of life for our members.
Meeting Times: Monthly
Meeting Space: Main Campus Room 101
Contact Phone: (502) 636-0523
Contact Email:
Greeters Ministry
Ministry Leader: Tanya Sandifer
Mission/Vission Statement: To represent the Lord as doorkeepers of the church. To be available, adaptable, approachable, dependable and respectful to all who enter Bates Memorial Baptist church. Greeters are the host for God’s House, the door keepers who service those who enter into His house.
Meeting Times: Bi-Monthly
Meeting Space: Main Campus Fellowship Hall
Contact Phone: (502) 777-5350
Contact Email:
Missions Ministry
Ministry Leader: Rev. Sandra Moore and Deacon Marcus Workman
Mission/Vission Statement: To motivate, equip and involve the congregation of Bates Memorial to share the love of Jesus Christ in local national and global outreach
Contact Phone: (502) 744-7410
Contact Email: